Tuesday, July 26, 2011

NPC Arizona Open July 2011

This last weekend was the Arizona Open and I wanted to share a few photos and experience of my first BIKINI show! This was the second show I've done. My first was earlier this year in March- The Natural Western USA in Mesa, AZ. I did not place at this show, and I'm not going to lie, I was extremely disappointed and ended up taking judging very personally. But after I got over the disappointment I was able to recognize all the things I learned through this experience and that alone was worth it.

Competing can be very tough. It is emotionally, physically, and mentally draining. But you must always remember that no matter what the result of a show, winning a trophy doesn't shape who you are. Those 10 judges aren't critiquing your personality, morals, values, or anything that makes you YOU. They are simply comparing your body and what they see on the outside to everyone else on stage next to you. Sometimes you just won't be what their looking for, and you have to be okay with that. Never forget to recognize your accomplishments and be proud of what you brought that day. It takes a whole lot of hard work, sacrifice, and perserverence to make it on that stage. Knowing that you brought your best and gave it your all puts you in first place no matter what the official results say.

2 Corinthians 4:16;18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mint & Green Tea Please!!

Right now I am 3 days out from the NPC AZ Open and at this point every little thing matters. I wanted to share one of my tips to make sure I’m coming into the show looking my absolute best. If you’ve ever competed, you know the last week you are pretty hungry, tired, and the one thing keeping you going is the thought of that stage a few days away. In these critical pre-show days I focus on all natural drinks such as unsweetened tea to make sure I don’t hold unwanted water and ensure my body is functioning well. I make a huge bottle of mint/green tea and drink it during the day. Hydrate hydrate hydrate!! I have noticed huge improvements in my digestion as well as clearer skin. It also helps keep my hunger at bay. The benefits are numerous!!

Green Tea
Filled with antioxidants that eliminate free radicals that can damage DNA
Stabilizes cholesterol levels
Beneficial in preventing clogged arteries
Boosts your immune system
Promotes weight loss- the polyphenols found in green tea help dissolve triglycerides-a substance found in the liver and small intestine made up of mostly sugar and fat
Stimulates the metabolism
Helps fight off infections
Reduces acne and slows the aging process to prevent wrinkles
Contains vitamin c and numerous minerals including chromium, manganese, selenium, and zinc

Mint Tea
Helps the digestion of fat
Aids in treatment of mental fatigue, stress, headaches
Stimulates digestion
Effective in relieving intestinal gas and indigestion
Can aid in warding off the common cold

To make your own just add 1 mint tea bag and 1 green tea bag to a cup of boiling water. Let cool then add to a large water bottle of water. Bigelow makes a great tea. Easy, affordable, all natural-ENJOY!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Natural Muscle Building Supplements

A huge component in building your best body is what you "feed the machine" to promote recovery and growth. I spend hours preparing healthy meals and coming up with new creative ways to cook favorite dishes, without the unwanted fat and preservatives found in traditional marinades. To save you some time I wanted to share a few natural supplements that can be of huge benefit to your muscle building diet.

GARLIC: Garlic has a laundry list of benefits and is an extremely versatile spice that can be added to numerous dishes. Add chopped cloves to stir fries or sauté with onions and peppers. No matter what creative idea you come up with, chances are it'll taste great.

Garlic is high in antioxidants and can help reduce cell and tissue damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by lending one of their own electrons in order to create a stable bond. Free radicals can wreak havoc on your body and contributes to numerous diseases as well as chronic fatigue syndrome
Garlic increases the production of carbon monoxide in the body which helps regulate cardiovascular functions and is a critical part in maintaining cardiovascular homeostasis. Without this balance of CO, you’re more likely to experience cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and inflammation – all which will inhibit muscle growth
Allicin-the active ingredient in garlic is also known to enhance testosterone production-a critical element in muscle building

GINGER: Another multi-use herb that will help you achieve optimal health- Ginger is widely available and a budget friendly supplement that will far exceed your expectations. I’ve begun adding grated ginger to salads and can personally attest to the many benefits of this herb.

Ginger treats a multitude of gastrointestinal issues. It helps with gastric emptying and actually stimulates digestion by moving food and waste through your system; cleansing the colon, reducing gas, and indigestion
Hinders the absorption of cholesterol and is an effective diuretic for reducing water retention
Ginger is also very high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the considered a fountain of youth as they can actually reverse the effects of aging caused by free radicals

PEPPERCORN: Personally I love this spice. I grind it fresh over chicken while BBQing and that alone makes it taste amazing. You can put it on salmon, steaks, mix with lemon juice and olive oil for a great dressing on salads, over eggs- the list goes on. Here are some of the ways you too can benefit.

Peppercorn aids in digestion and increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which is necessary for the digestion of proteins. When there’s not enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach, food is unable to be fully digested and will end up causing heartburn, indigestion or pass on to the intestines and create additional problems
Ground peppercorn can also increase sweating and has diuretic abilities
Peppercorn is yet another great antioxidant for eliminating free radicals
The outer layer of the peppercorn also stimulates the breakdown of fat cells- and who doesn’t love a little extra fat burning.

So there you have it, a few spices you can add to your meals that don’t add extra calories or fat to start maximizing the benefits of your muscle building diet. When you start reaping the benefits from these additions, you’ll never go without them again.